Twin Star Outdoor Classroom and Gardens in Western Connecticut

Twin Star Tribe is a Spirit Based Herbal & Energetic School offering community classes, workshops including Herbalism and Flower Essence Certificate Programs, Green Witch and Goddess Trainings, Sacred Travel and Ritual Jewelry. We have two locations: Twin Star North, in the beautiful hills of Western Connecticut and Twin Star South in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains of Asheville, NC where Twin Star’s founder and director Lupo Passero, Herbalist, Educator and Flower Essence Practitioner, shares her time and teachings in our classrooms, throughout the country and internationally.  Twin Star Tribe offers a myriad of classes ranging from evening or half day workshops to two-year+ professional herbal training intensives. Lupo and Twin Stars staff of knowledgeable and heart led healers and teachers cover a variety of topics including Western Herbal Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, Plant Spirit Healing, Nature Connection, Green Witch and Goddess Trainings, Astrology, Ayurveda and more. If you are interested in having an herbal class or workshop held in your community or you would like to offer one here at Twin Star please inquire within. Twin Star’s Connecticut classroom is located in historic downtown New Milford, CT and at the Art Garden in the River Arts District in Asheville NC. We can be reached by email at

Herbalist Lupo Passero recently moved back to the home of her heart, Asheville, NC, where she spends part of her time there, part in Connecticut and the rest traveling the world. Twin Star South is available for private herbalism classes, plant identification walks and other offerings in the greater Asheville area. Please reach out to Lupo at for more information.



“Fifteen years ago, when I first moved onto the property in Northville CT that my Italian immigrant grandparents worked hard to acquire decades before, my very first question to my father was ‘Whose land is this?’ My father, answered, ‘Chief Waramaug.’ Chief Waramaug succeeded Chief Squantz in 1725 in sachemship of the Potatuck Native American tribe (now folded into the current Schaghticoke tribe) and lived along the length of the Housatonic River. Chief Waramaug, father to the infamous Lilinonah (who’s love story reverberates throughout this area) and the rest of the tribe frequented the East Aspetuck River where my family home and the Twin Star outdoor classroom has resided for over a decade. In 1735 Sachemship of the Potatuck along the Housatonic River was succeeded after Waramaug's death by one of neighboring Chief Squantz's sons, Mauwehu.”

We have had many beautiful experiences on this land over the years while tending to the soil and have had numerous experiences with visits from those beyond the veil. We give thanks and praise to this incredible landscape and to the original tribe and true occupants each day, with prayer and often with ceremony, song and drum. We have been most blessed to have a dear friend and first nations elder hold ceremony on this land for the last 10 years. We honor the voices and spirits of the ancestors who knew this land as if it were their own skin. We tend to all of the plants and especially give close attention and care to the native species. We work hard to honor this landscape, as do all of those who have the privilege to spend time here. We give thanks every day to the original inhabitants of this land who knew far better than any of us how live cooperatively with and how to caretake the plants, water, land, animals, birds and fish. May the collective remember how to tend to our landscapes, with care and honor, for each and every living thing and may we learn from our past so that we can right the many wrongs and end the suffering, working to provide a safe future for all generations to come. 

Twin Star South

Did you know that the herbal journey that led to Twin Star began in Asheville, NC? For over two decades Twin Star has been training folks in the Art, Science and Spirit of Herbalism. Lupo began her own herbal education, in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in the late 90’s, at the North Carolina School of Natural Healing (which became the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism). She quickly went from student, to a beloved local herbal educator and flower essence practitioner. In 2007, after sharing her knowledge and her love of the southern plant medicines, with hundreds of area students, Lupo and her children moved back to the Northeast. Shortly afterwards, Lupo launched Twin Star Herbal Education and Community Apothecary in Connecticut. In January of 2023, Lupo returned to Asheville, her second home, and has slowly began offering her unique style of Ritual Herbalism, in the home of her heart, once again. Lupo spends part of her time teaching in Asheville and part of her time teaching in Connecticut and the rest of the time traveling and learning about the plants as much as possible. “I first moved to Asheville, NC the day after I turned 18 in 1994. I am mediately fell in love with the landscape, the plants and the people. The mountains here are so incredibly unique and special, and have this incredible energy that I just couldn't get enough of. I felt at home. And I couldn't believe how many native and medicinal plants grew in these ancient mountains. I began to study, herbalism on my own, often visiting our local bookstore for as many herbal resources that I could find. I was very fortunate to find an incredible school that trained people in the art and science of herbalism. When I began studying, I knew for the first time in my life that I was absolutely certain of what I was meant to do. These here have so much folklore and history. Going back to the Appalachian folks that have been here for centuries, and even further back to the Cherokee nation of whose land it originally and rightfully belong to. There are so many stories, traditions and values that are still held with much respect when it comes to working with and protecting the plants in this region. It is the most bio diverse area in the entire country for plant species. It has been a privilege to call this place my home once again.”


Love herbs? Interested in the healing properties of plants? Curious to learn more? Twin Star offers a variety of herbal classes, workshops and intensives for the beginner herb enthusiasts to professional training. We offer community classes and will also travel to you. Twin Star proudly empowers individuals to learn to take care of self, family and community using natural medicines and remedies from the earth.  



The History of Flower Essences
Lupo Passero


Building Plant Relationships: Deepening your Understanding of the Plant World
Lupo Passero


Lupo in our beautiful brick in motor Apothecary in 2020


 You may contact us at (828) 707-7213‬ or at

Twin Star Community Apothecary is now an exclusively online store. However, our former brick and mortar store was handed off to a beloved Twin Star graduate and is now Balm’s Apothecary located at 64 Railroad Street. They carry a plethora of Twin Star products as well as organic bulk medicinal herbs.

Twin Star Community Apothecary (Online) offers a variety of our handcrafted herbal products. We take pride in specializing in organic, local and ethically wildcrafted and handmade tinctures, custom crafted teas, tonics and topical preparations.  We carry a variety of smudge and sacred smoke, botanical ritual offerings and herbal remedies inspired by the Green Witch and made by our apothecary faeries. We also offer yearly Community Supported Apothecary CSA Shares as well as locally made specialty products.


Interested in purchasing a gift card that can be applied to one of our classes or certificate courses? Use the link below to purchase a gift card from $25 to $500 that can be used towards any of our classes or certificate courses. This gift card cannot be used in the apothecary.

Herb School Gift Card
from $25.00