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Late-Summer Medicinal Plant Walk with Brandi Solomon

Late-SummerPlant Walk

with Brandi Solomon

Join us on August 21st for a late-summer plant walk as we greet some of our favorite plant friends that emerge during this botanically blessed time of year! As we walk, we will identify the variety of plants growing around us and discuss how their medicinal properties can be used to enhance our own personal health and wellness. Join us as we continue to develop our relationship and knowledge of how to use local medicinal herbs. We will meet for this walk at the White Memorial Conservation Boardwalk in Litchfield, CT. For any questions please call 860 350 0077.

August 11

Plant Wisdom Wednesday: Plant Fibers & Dogbane w/ Zach Fisher

September 2

Star Circle (A New Moon+ Astrological Circle): Virgo & Mercury