Learn how to establish a daily routine (dinacharya) that can help bring lasting balance, clarity, well-being andhealing into your life.
Dinacharyais a key component of Ayurveda, the ancient vedic science of self-healing. Tailored to the individual and based on one's specific constitution, adaily routine can set the tone for the entire day helping bring a sense of calm, focus and well-being. The specific Dinacharya practices we will discuss in this session are simple yet they dynamically support one in achieving their goals as well as enhancing one's physical, emotional and spiritual health. Dinacharyatruly helps us ground and establish a rhythmic flow and there for canchange our lives in very profound ways. This is an excellent class if youare feeling stuck and want to make lasting changes. Everyone will leave class with a ready to implement tool kit of daily practices that are a pleasure to apply.