This month Rebekah Sutter leads the circle in "Love Thyself - An Exploration of Self-Love & Self- Care"
"I love myself completely and unconditionally. I am worthy of love, joy and abundance."
We are perfect and flawed all at once: the beauty and obstacle of being human. Although we all share this truth on our earthly journey, we can be the hardest on ourselves. You are worthy of complete and unconditional love. Call back all the love you owe to yourself. Join us as we explore this practice of self love and compassion through a short guided meditation, in circle exercises that you may carry into your daily life, and self love ceremony.
Since the dawn of our existence women have been gathering together as daughters, sisters, mothers and as healers. Powerful stories have been shared, tears have been shed and many magical moments of healing, strength and love have occurred. It is in honor of this ancient tradition that the 13 Moons - A Women’s Healing Circle has been created. Beginning in January, each month meeting on the first Thursday (Jan & July the second Thursday), we will explore a variety of topics including: sacred healing, women’s plant allies and the wise woman tradition. We will create rituals for honoring our many phases and explore our role as women, sisters and community healers. The circle will be a private and sacred group, open and inclusive to all who identify as women.
$25 pre-registered // $30 at the door