Spiral Path:
A Women’s Medicine way herbal Apprenticeship

125-Hour Certificate COurse

Throughout this Medicine Woman's Way Herbal & Spiritual Healing Course will explore all aspects of female health, including birth and death, by walking through each stage of the holy trinity, the maiden, mother and crone.  Each month will include ceremony, song, ritual, herbs & essences, recipes & self-care, journeys and meditations, all meant to foster personal growth and/or build upon additional healing and herbal practices. Through this immersion into the goddess tradition and the divine feminine, Sisters will gain a deeper understanding of traditional medicine ways and will re-awaken their own inner wise woman. Steep yourself in the ancient wisdom of herbal and plant spirit medicine, embrace the healing gifts of the Woman’s Medicine Way and empower yourself through self love, healing and reconnection to the oldest healing tradition known on Earth. This is a 125-hour certificate course (75 classroom/50 home study).

We begin each gathering by setting up a communal sacred space and altar, lighting candles to introduce each spiral sister and start with a share. We spiral through phases of our lives, peeling back the layers, and investigating our internal and external life journeys. Through these self examining moments, learning and participating in ritual and ceremony, and connecting to the healing herbs, we expand and learn, heal and shed, and begin to pave our Spiral Path of embodying the Divine Sacred Feminine medicine that we are.

During our time together, participants will be assigned a Spiral Sister to further accountability, support and deepen the experience. Life-long connections are made and met in this circle of mothers, sisters, healers, women. In the Spiral Path program, we have a beautiful tradition of pot-lucking each gathering. Sometimes participants get fed and nourished by their spiral sisters, and other gatherings participants get to feed and nourish their fellow sisters.

After our lunch time of nourishment, we often dive into herbs and essences that support and facilitate different moments and phases of a woman's life from conception and birth, first blood and motherhood, queen phases and crone sage, through end of life and death. We cover some basic herbal concepts along with handcrafting special herbal medicines together, meant to encourage and fortify healing of the body and spirit

We end each circle with singing sister songs, a profound and delightful experience in which you'll find yourself humming and vibrating from in between our times together. Song is used to connect, to heal, to say gratitudes, to empower and to invoke our powerful selves.

Will you circle up with your Spiral Path sisters, hand in hand, and take a leap into healing your story and learning how to help others in your life and communities?

Class Schedule & Location

Class will meet IN-PERSON each month from 10 am to 6 pm April through December. 

Spring 2025 Dates TBA

Course Overview

April —Conception Opening Circle, Fire Ceremony, Sister Songs, Course Overview, The Medicine Woman's Toolkit

May—Birth Rebirthing Ceremony, Herbs for Womb Health, Teas, Sitz bath & Yoni Steams

June —Childhood The Child Within Ceremony, Herbs & Essences for Youngsters, Nurturing our Inner Voice Glycerites, Spritzers, Essences

July —First Moon Moon Ceremony, Herbs and Essences for The Young Maiden & for Menses, Nourishing Vinegars & Tonics

August —Maidenhood Sacred Sexuality Ceremony, Herbs for Sexual Health, Aphrodisiacs & Sacral Chakra, Limpias & Spiritual Bathing

September —Mothering Divine Mother Ceremony, The Role of the Sacred Doula, Herbs for Midlife Health, Vital Tonics, Cordials & Syrups

October —Honoring the Crone Sage Woman Ceremony, Herbs for Menopause, The Wise Woman Years and Elders, Anointing Oils and Balms

November —Death & Dying Celebration and End of Life Rituals, Support Herbs & Essences for Transitioning, Herbal Incense & Feathering

December —The Full Circle Closing Rituals, Despacho Ceremony,  Sister Songs, Feast of the Goddess


Lupo Passero, founder of Twin Star, is a second generation Italian-American on her fathers (masculine) side. Lupo was taught early on by her grandmother, a Strega from Italy, the ways of the wise woman. She is also third generation Irish-American on her mothers (feminine) side, and comes from a long line of Druids and Healers who stem from Knocknashee, known as the legendary “Hill of the Faeries”, one of Ireland’s seven most sacred hills. She has a deep connection to her roots and the ancient ways of her ancestors and has been a practicing witch for over 25 years, incorporating teachings and practices from her European roots and pairing them with the North American landscape. Lupo has raised two children (and countless fairy goddess-children) in celebration of the pagan path and will share stories, rituals, songs and more meant to be incorporated into your solitary practice or with friends, family or community.

Linda Shreve is an educator, ceremonialist and lifelong student of movement, stories, music, deep listening and the sacred in everyday life, and of the energetic truth expressed between us all in this world (humans, plants, animals, insects, winged ones and crawlers, swimmers, the rock and tree people, the Elements, our dear Earth and mycelia among many others). She is a trained community herbalist and flower essence practitioner, a singer and chant leader, meditator, Reiki Master and movement designer. Linda is deeply committed to acting as a spiritual midwife in this time. Her books outweigh her crystals in her house, but that could change at any time.

Rebekah Sutter is a community herbalist & artist residing in the rolling hills of Northwest Connecticut. Bekah's passion lies in combining the healing physical, energetic & plant spirit magic of the herbal world - with the creation of beautiful hand-crafted artwork and herbal remedies. Rebekah leads and guides the group in learning about herbalism, medicine making, ritual & ceremony, artful and empowering ritual tool crafting and more!

This class is open to those that identify as women only.


Tuition for this program is $2,220. You can reserve your spot by making a deposit. All deposits made are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Monthly payment plan is available after deposit.

Please fill out this enrollment form upon registration.

Spiral Path Monthly Payment Plan
$222.00 every month for 9 months

We highly recommend you use a CREDIT CARD when signing up for the payment plan to avoid interruptions to your monthly payments.