Flower Essence Practitioner Training

125-Hour Certificate Course Flower Essence Therapy Practitioner Training
+ Certification Course With Lupo Passero

This course offers over 125 hours of in-depth flower essence training LIVE with instructor Lupo Passero, who offers her 20+ years of Flower Essence practitioner wisdom and guides participants through the steps and deep spiritual process to become a practitioner of the flower remedies! We will meet monthly for six months. Much of our time together will be spent teaching students how to properly, efficaciously and ethically use flower essences as a practitioner. Students will spend additional hours working directly with clients, learning how to confidently use flower essence therapy in a professional setting.

Topics Include: Working with Local Plant and Woodland Essences, Methods of Choosing Proper Essences For Clients, The Doctrine of Signatures, Plant Spirit Healing, Vibrational Medicine Making, Chakra Essence Therapy, Making Flower Essences in the Field, Ethical Essences, Incorporating Essences into the Healing Practice, Supervised Clinical Consultations, Individual Consultations & Setting up a Flower Essence Practice. Students will be required to complete over 20 consultations and will be working directly with clients, learning how to confidently use flower essence therapy in a professional setting.
125-hour Flower Essence Practitioner Certificate Awarded Upon Course Completion.

DATES to be announced

Classes will meet in our virtual classroom once a month throughout the six-month program.
These classes will take place ONLINE in our virtual herbal classroom.

This course requires a prerequisite of THE ART OF FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY. This class is available online and must be completed before beginning the practitioner training.


Class One - History of Flower Essence - then until now. The 12 Healers, Astrological Essences,Energy Anatomy, Choosing the Essences, Chronic v. Acute, Conditions and Constitutional Essences

Class Two - Doctrine of Signatures, Local Plant and Woodland Essences, Interviews & Consultations, Intake forms, Group Intake & Round Table, Plant Spirit Journey

Class Three - Supervised Clinical Consultations, Ethics and Boundaries, Setting Up a Flower Essence Practice

Class Four - Making Essences in the Field, Selling Essences in the Healing Practice, Final Projects & Presentations, Graduation Celebration

Graduation Requirements
20+ completed Flower Essence Consultations and write ups. All Homework/Projects Completed: Self-Evaluation, All Material Readings Completed, Plant Spirit Ritual,Final Evaluation & Practitioner Project

“This course was comprehensive and so valuable. I feel that I have the knowledge and skills to help others with confidence through the use of flower essences. The course is a nice mix of hands-on study and traditional lessons. I am really excited to apply what I’ve learned to my business and personal life!”

Pauline Copithorne - Student


This course requires a prerequisite of THE ART OF FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY.

This class is available online and must be completed before beginning the practitioner training.

What will you learn?

  • how to work with flower essences for clients

  • how to make flower essences in the field

  • able to practice in supervised clinical consultations

  • how to ethically craft flower essences

  • how to set up your own flower essence practice

  • how to create flower essences for specific ailments

“This is a beautiful course that everyone should experience. It not only teaches you about the pleasures and mysteries of plants and their gifts of medicine, but about yourself and your relationship to your own wellness.”

Carol LeBlanc - Student


2025-26 dates To be Announced

Classes will meet in our virtual classroom once a month throughout the six month program.

These classes will take place ONLINE in our virtual herbal classroom.


Registration is currently closed. Click the button below to join our waitlist!



Pay the deposit to secure your spot in the program before selecting your payment option.


pay in full

Choose to pay the full price for the program after the deposit. Payment completes your registration.


Choose our monthly payment plan that will last for six months. Please make sure you pay the deposit first.

Unsure of whether this program is for you? Do you still have questions? Book a call HERE to talk with our founder Lupo Passero.

the art of flower essence therapy is 50% off!

do you still need to take our art of flower essence therapy online training?

We are offering 50% off of the Art of Flower Essence Therapy course (a $250+ savings) for students who want to join us for Flower Essence Practitioner this year. Just pay the deposit and then send us an email at twinstaroffice@gmail.com and we will get you set up!

What others are saying

about twin star tribe

Twin Star Tribe is a Spirit Based Herbal & Energetic School offering community classes, workshops including Herbalism and Flower Essence Certificate Programs, Green Witch and Goddess Trainings, Sacred Travel and Ritual Jewelry. We have two locations: Twin Star North, in the beautiful hills of Western Connecticut and Twin Star South in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains of Asheville, NC.

Twin Star Tribe offers a myriad of classes ranging from evening or half day workshops to two-year+ professional herbal training intensives. Lupo and Twin Stars staff of knowledgeable and heart led healers and teachers cover a variety of topics including Western Herbal Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy, Plant Spirit Healing, Nature Connection, Green Witch and Goddess Trainings, Astrology, Ayurveda and more.