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ONLINE - 13 Moons: A Healing Women's Circle - Self-Care and Pampering


This month moon sisters Michela Casey & Bekah lead the circle celebrating: Self-Care and Pampering

Join us, moon sister: ONLINE this week! In light of the ongoing pandemic, and in the interest of the health of the community, we will be hosting this month’s 13 Moons: Women’s Healing Circle on a virtual platform: ZOOM. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we continue to gather (responsibly online) and call unto the guidance and support of our plant allies, elements and magic within the community so that we might be of support for each other in such chaotic and uncertain times. Once you purchase your ticket, please be sure to have ZOOM downloaded on your computer (preferred) or smart phone, and expect a zoom invitation a couple hours before class! Please have a candle with you, a way to light it, journal and writing utensil. Please take the time to create a sacred space for yourself where you will be attending the Zoom call, make yourself a cup of nourishing tea and get cozy. Create an altar that represents healing & Self-care, spring time, renewal, symbols of the equinox and anything else you feel called to. See you on the web!

We will be spending a much needed evening gathering virtually with moon sisters old and new. The circle will take the time to call in the directions, smudge and clear our spaces, light our candles and check in about this chaotic time. Michela will lead a discussion on self care and pampering - a much needed movement when a lot of us are left feeling overwhelmed and stressed in the present time. We had planned to do some natural facials and herbal steams in person, and in lieu of this, we will invite you instead to gather some ingredients you may already have at home to pamper yourself and join while Michela leads a journey through a guided meditation.

Items to gather for this circle:

  • A large non-plastic bowl or pot to put boiling water into for a facial steam 

  • A large towel to drape over your head and to wipe your face

  • A wash cloth

  • An all natural face wash or a light oil to wash your face

  • Something to tie back your hair 

  • One are more of the following for a face mask: Honey, clay, kelp powder, spirulina, a fresh lemon, mashed banana, ground oatmeal (if you have a high quality face mask you’re welcome to use that instead) 

  • A light moisturizer or a light oil like jojoba oil

Since the dawn of our existence women have been gathering together as daughters, sisters, mothers and as healers. Powerful stories have been shared, tears have been shed and many magical moments of healing, strength and love have occurred. It is in honor of this ancient tradition that the 13 Moons - A Women’s Healing Circle has been created. Beginning in January, each month meeting on the first Thursday (January is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday due to holiday), we will explore a variety of topics including: sacred healing, women’s plant allies and the wise woman tradition. We will create rituals for honoring our many phases and explore our role as women, sisters and community healers. The circle will be a safe and sacred group circle, open and inclusive to all who identify as women and non-binary folks.

Michela Casey is a licensed aesthetician and an herbalism student with a passion for community.

April 1

ONLINE CLASS - Witch Crafting Wednesday: Herbal Ritual Salts

April 15

ONLINE - Plant Wisdom Wednesday: Herbal Allies for the Creative Spirit