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Witch Crafting Wednesday: Feather Magic - Smudge Fans


Our bird allies often soar into our lives with messages and gifts of all kinds. I love the magical moments while wandering the wooded path or flowered meadow, and I stumble upon the gift of our winged ones: a feather. During this circle we will explore the messages that feather medicine and the air element have for us witches. Participants will bind, craft and adorn their very own feather wand to be used in cleansing rituals, plant smudges and more. All supplies provided. If you have special feathers you'd like to add to your smudge fan, or have an excess of feathers to share, please bring along.

Witch Crafting Wednesday: this monthly crafting circle is witchy, creative and fun! Herbalist and witchy sister, Bekah Sutter, leads each monthly gathering as we explore a mystical topic and create a handmade craft together. This year we will be Crafting the Hedgewitch's Tool Kit. Join us on this journey while we delve into elemental themes and ritual, and make our own magical tools with gifts from the earth. Each gathering is meant to reignite your intuition, bring on the magical vibes, and light your inner creative fire. Come get witchy and crafty with us!

Bekah Sutter is a blossoming community herbalist & artist residing in the rolling hills of Northwest Connecticut. Bekah's passion lies in combining the healing physical, energetic & plant spirit magic of the herbal world with the creating of beautiful hand-crafted artwork and herbal remedies.

First Wednesdays 6:30-8:30
Join us for a 6 month journey and save!
$180/ 6 month commitment ($30/month)
$35 drop in/advance
$40 door

Visit to sign up, email Bekah Sutter at or call Twin Star Community Apothecary at 860-350-0077 for any questions.

February 25

Flower Essence Practitioner Training in Costa Rica

March 5

13 Moons - A Healing Women's Circle: Moon Magic