The Witches Wheels celebrates the sabbats or major holidays based on ancient pagan and earth based religions and traditions. These holidays are celebrated by various branches of Paganism, including Wicca and Witchcraft. There are eight major Sabbats, and witches believe these eight holy days make up the Wheel of the Year.
These sabbats, or holy days are based on ancient pagan holidays marking the changing of the seasons, specifically the earth's changing rotation and relationship with the sun. There are cross-quarterly days and quarterly days. The cross-quarter days are also known as the Major Fire Festivals and include: Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. The quarter days are made up by the Equinoxes (spring and autumn) and the Solstices (summer and winter).
Join us as we meet throughout the year (as close to these holy-days) as possible to celebrate the seasons and each turn of the wheel. Each class with be filled with ceremony and ritual as well as prayer and song in celebration of the quarterly or cross quarterly holiday. We will honor our ancestors, rites of passages, elements and herbs associated with each each holiday.
October 30th - Shamhain
December 18th - Winter Solstice/Yule
January 29th - Imbolc
March 19th - Spring Equinox/Ostara
April 30th - Beltane
June 11th - Summer Solstice/Mid Summer
July 30th - Lammas
September 17th - Fall Equinox/Mabon
Payment in full is $702.00 and includes all supplies and materials and includes a $150 deposit. A payment plan is available, after the $150 deposit in eight installments of $69.00 due before each class.