13 Moons:
A Monthly Women’s Healing Circle

Please note, after decades of serving our community throughout the entirety of the year, we at Twin Star have decided to follow the patterns of nature and take sometime to go within, quiet our minds and let our own seeds of potential gestate. Please feel free to reach out for privately curated Moon Circles, Ceremonies and Gatherings.

Since the dawn of our existence the feminine collective has been gathering together as daughters, sisters, mothers and as healers. Powerful stories have been shared, tears have been shed, spaces and hearts have been held, and many magical moments of healing, strength and love have occurred. It was in honor of this ancient tradition that the container for our 13 Moons - Women’s Healing Circle was created well nearly a fifteen ago. Started by Green Witch Lupo Passero, in 2009, this circle has taken a beautiful spiral path, hosting a variety of sacred topics, insightful wise woman, powerful tears and rolling laughter.

Together we gather as women and healers. Each moon, through rotation, we have explored a variety of topics including: sacred herbal healing, monthly self healing rituals and the wise woman tradition. We have dove deeply, intuitively each moth, sharing inspirations, ideas, experiences through poetry, spoken word & song. We have held and created numerous rituals for honoring ourselves as mother, sisters, daughters and beloveds and honor each other through the cycles and spirals of life. Each moon, the theme aligns with the energy of the natural cycles reflective of our both our inner and outer landscapes. We collectively explore both our positive and the shadow qualities, with equal need to be witnessed and loved. Through plant spirit journey work, guided meditation, journaling, ancestral sharing, intentional crafting working with the plant allies and practices that support us, we make self-love a priority each moth.

13 Moons: A Women’s Healing Circle has always been a private and sacred group, open to folks who identify as women and non-binary. If you are interested in sharing in this experience in New Milford CT, you may contact circle host, Bekah Sutter at bekahtwinstar@gmail.com for upcoming dates and times. If you are interested in requesting a group or private moon circle, ceremony, ritual or celebration in the Asheville area, please reach out to Lupo at twinstarherbs@gmail.com

Past Year’s Example Schedule

January Weaver: I am the weaver of my reality.

February Venus: I feel safe and beautiful to express my sensuality.

March Dreamer: My dreams reveal that magic is real and anything is possible.

April Snake: I shed habits that hinder my truth, I release and renew.

May Love Thyself: I love myself completely and unconditionally.

June Re-Wild: I re-member my wild self; I unleash my wilderness and choose to be free.

July Transformation: I honor the natural process of growth and transformation.

August Lioness: I am courageous and capable of achieving anything I choose, with a strong, steady, brave heart.

September Earth: I am of the Earth and her wild elements. I am grounded, flowing & in harmony with nature.

October Shadow: There is medicine in my shadow.

November Ancestors: I celebrate my lineage and honor my ancestors.

December Gratitude: I live each moment with a presence of gratitude